
What are the main information security certifications?

What are the main information security certifications?

Analyzing the information security certifications of the professionals you intend to hire is very important to ensure that the service is provided properly. Although they are not compulsory, these certificates give good evidence of advanced knowledge.

That’s why, in this article, you’ll learn about some of the main ones!

Main information security certifications

Today, in the IT market, there are several options for specialization. Although they are not a requirement for working in the sector, they usually indicate a professional’s mastery of the subject. The main ones are:

  • CISSP – Certified Information System Security Professional is the leading and most internationally recognized information security certification. It evaluates domains such as security, network architecture and engineering, software development and
    identity and access management
  • CompTIA Security+ – is one of the most fundamental certifications for working in the sector. Recognized globally, it certifies the basic competencies that professionals must have, covering safety concepts as a whole;
  • Ethical Hacking Foundation – this has become a very relevant certificate in recent years with the increase in hacker attacks and
    . He testifies that the professional has knowledge of ethical hacking, which is fundamental to preventing invasions of this kind. 

When hiring a specialist or consultancy, it’s important to pay attention to these certificates, but depending on your objective, others may be even more important. As there are several areas of security, the first step is to be aware of this and understand what you are looking for.

How to choose a good Information Security service?

Deciding on a professional depends very much on your needs.

For example, if I’m a CISO and I’m looking for a security manager to work within my company, it’s interesting that they have more general knowledge and therefore have these certifications.

On the other hand, if I’m looking for a consultancy to implement a specific tool, it’s more interesting for them to have certificates proving their mastery of the specific solution.

This is the case with
, a Brazilian cybersecurity company that works with several global representatives, such as IBM and Veracode. Each of these suppliers has its own certifications, which verify the technical capacity and mastery of the specialist in the products offered by the manufacturer itself.

Qriar’s analysts focus on these certifications, gaining extensive knowledge that allows them to use all the resources available in the tool in a customized way for your company.

Learn more about
cybersecurity solutions offered by Qriar

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